
We have decided to provide a couple of tools with which you can take care of yourself! Below are a few exercises to help you exercise in peace.

Pilates light workout

Pilates focuses on developing strength, flexibility, stability and body awareness through controlled and precise movements.

  1. Side Leg Lifts: Lying on your side with your lower arm pointing below your shoulder, lift your upper leg towards the ceiling while keeping your body aligned. Maintain controlled movement and trunk stability. Slowly lower your leg and repeat the movement. After one set, switch sides.
  1. Roll-up: Lying on your back with your legs outstretched, arms above your head, inhale to prepare yourself. Exhaling, slowly bring your chin towards your chest, vertebra by vertebra, lifting your head, neck and shoulders off the mat. Continue by bringing your torso forward, reaching towards your toes. Inhale as you slowly lower yourself vertebra by vertebra, returning to the starting position.

More intensive Pilates training

  1. Plank with raised leg: Start in a plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to toe. Raise one straight leg towards the ceiling while keeping your body stable. Hold the position for a few breaths, then return to the plank position and repeat with the other leg.
  1. Teaser: Sitting on the mat with your legs outstretched and arms stretched above your head, exhale by bending your knees and pulling your knees towards your chest while balancing on the seated bone. Slowly bring your legs upright as you extend your chest towards your knees. Inhale as you slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.

Yoga training

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that has its roots in the ancient Indian tradition. It is a comprehensive system that focuses on achieving balance and harmony between body, mind and spirit. Yoga encompasses a wide range of techniques and practices, including physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation and philosophy.

Physical postures, or asanas, are one of the main components of yoga. These postures involve movement and stillness, and are designed to strengthen, flex and lengthen
the body. Postures vary widely, from those that require strength and balance to those that promote relaxation and renewal.

  1. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Start on all fours on the mat with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Exhaling, lift the knees off the mat and
    push your hips up and back, extending your arms and legs. Maintain a slight curve in your back and bring your heels towards the mat. Hold the position for a few deep breaths.
    deep breaths.
  1. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): From a standing position, bring one foot back about 3-4 feet and rotate the foot perpendicular to the front foot. Bend the front knee until it forms a right angle, keeping the knee above the ankle. Extend your arms in line with your shoulders, palms facing downwards, and open your chest.
    Fix your gaze beyond your front hand. Hold the position for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Light core training

Mat workouts can focus on the deep muscles of the core, known as the stabilising muscles of the trunk, which include the abdominals, back muscles, buttocks and pelvic muscles. This helps improve posture, reduce the risk of injury and relieve chronic back pain.

  1. Plank: Posizionati a terra a faccia in giù, con le braccia tese e i palmi delle mani appoggiati sul tappetino sotto le spalle. Solleva il corpo tenendo il corpo in linea retta dalla testa ai piedi, contraiendo i muscoli del core e mantenendo i glutei contratti. Mantieni la posizione per un periodo di tempo determinato, mantenendo la respirazione regolare.
  1. Crunch: Disteso sulla schiena con le ginocchia piegate e i piedi appoggiati sul tappetino, posiziona le mani dietro la testa o incrociate sul petto. Espirando, contrai i muscoli addominali e solleva la testa, il collo e le spalle dal tappetino. Fai attenzione a non tirare sul collo. Inala mentre torni lentamente alla posizione di partenza.

More intensive core training

  1. V-Sit: Sitting on the mat with your legs extended in front of you, lift your legs and chest to form a 'V' with your body. Keep your core engaged and your legs lifted off the mat.
    If possible, extend your arms towards your legs. Hold the position for a few breaths, then slowly relax.
  1. Plank con Rotazione: Da una posizione di plank, solleva un braccio verso il soffitto, ruotando il corpo lateralmente e aprendo il torace. Mantieni la posizione per qualche secondo, quindi torna alla posizione di plank e ripeti sul lato opposto. Questo esercizio coinvolge i muscoli addominali obliqui, oltre ai muscoli del core.




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